Then the new price he gave me for 2 voices and 1 concurent thread was $6000!
#Amazon ivona reader license#
What a way to do business… Probably afraid to lose his job and desperate to score revenue, the new guy decided not follow up on his previous email and silently let the developer license expire. When he finally got back to me he said the total $4000 could no longer be applied against the first year production license because the one-year developer license already expired the month before. I did not hear from the guy for 2 months. He said he would discuss that with his manager and get back to me. I said I did not expect any additional costs and that the first year production license pricing would be covered by the porting fees. He wanted to discuss the pricing for the production license. They said these costs could be deducted from the first year production license. Having paid a developer license of $1000 and so called ‘porting fees’ for the selected voices of $3000. Throughout the deployment of our SDK I had 2 contact persons leaving the company with each new guy trying to negotiate a new deal.

Despite the OK quality of the TTS voices, working with neospeech has been a nightmare. We compared a range of TTS providers and eventually selected Neospeech VoiceText. In 2016 we started the development of an app that would read out a personalized list of professional news items.